Library Media Center

Welcome to the HCHS Library!
Tabby Plunkett, Library Media Specialist
The Hickman County High School Library Media Center is committed to providing access to materials and resources that support and enhance the curriculum of the school, and to promoting student achievement by encouraging students and faculty to become life-long learners and users of information and technology.
Library Access
The HCHS Media Center operates on a flexible schedule. This means that students and teachers may access the library anytime during the school day at the “point of need.” Flexible scheduling also allows for mutual planning between the Library Media Specialist and classroom teachers so that the media center can be reserved for classes to integrate research, information literacy skills and computer instruction into the classroom curriculum. Individual students may use the library for research, reading for pleasure or to meet and work with other students on projects and assignments.
The Media Center is open daily from 7:30am – 8:00am for student use without a teacher pass. Students may obtain a pass from classroom teachers and come to the library as needed throughout the day.
Scheduling Classes
Teachers are encouraged to use the library media center to support instruction in the classroom. The library media specialist is available to collaborate on and assist with assignments, research, projects, etc. The library media specialist may also be able to suggest various resources and strategies for achieving your instructional goals. Library laptops can be used for printing as needed.
Teachers who wish to bring their classes to the library should sign up in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts and to allow the library media specialist to prepare resources and materials as needed. Language Arts teachers are given first preference (for selection of days/class period) at the beginning of each grading period. Then all other teachers wishing to schedule dates/class periods should check the calendar at the circulation desk for available dates/class periods. They should then have the library media specialist sign them up for the desired time(s) they wish to use the library. It is helpful for the library media specialist and the classroom teacher to complete the Cooperative Planning Form together to know what the class assignment will be in order to pull any necessary books, websites, equipment, etc.
Computer Use
The library media center serves as the hub for Chromebooks and technology. All Chromebooks connect via Wi-Fi to the school network. Students may use one of the five traditional laptops in the media center for printing purposes.
In order for students to access these computers and obtain user accounts they must have their parents to sign and return the “Hickman County Schools Application for Account and Terms and Conditions for Use of the Internet. Students must also sign this form and abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement or they will be subject to cancellation of this privilege.
Hickman County High School began 1:1 assignment of HP Chromebooks to students during the 2020-2021 school year. Therefore each student is eligible to be assigned a HCBOE owned Chromebook by returning a “Device Agreement Form” that must be signed by the parent and student. Students should report any problems or missing Chromebooks to the Library Media Specialist as soon as possible. Chromebooks and chargers must be returned to the library prior to the end of the school year. All damages must be paid in order for students to participate in graduation exercises, receive report cards and to remain in good standing for the next school year.
Printing Policy
Students may print to the student designated black and white copier/printer from the library laptops. Printing from a Chromebook is not an option. Printing is free of charge as long as it is for a school paper or project. Students should ask for assistance and always be certain that they are conserving paper when printing.
Circulation Policy
Students are allowed to check out a maximum of five books at a time. The due date for materials will be ten school days from the date checked out and will be stamped in the book. Books can be renewed an unlimited number of times.
Fines for overdue books will NOT be charged. If students have an overdue book(s), they will not be allowed to check out additional books until the overdue books are returned or renewed. At the end of the school year, all books must be returned and fees for lost or damaged books paid before students are allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies (Seniors) or pick up their report cards (underclassmen). Students will be required to pay replacement costs and processing fees for any lost or damaged book.
The HCHS Media Center operates on a flexible schedule. This means that students and teachers may access the library anytime during the school day at the “point of need.” Flexible scheduling also allows for mutual planning between the Library Media Specialist and classroom teachers so that the media center can be reserved for classes to integrate research, information literacy skills and computer instruction into the classroom curriculum. Individual students may use the library for research, reading for pleasure or to meet and work with other students on projects and assignments.
The Media Center is open daily from 7:30am – 8:00am for student use without a teacher pass. Students may obtain a pass from classroom teachers and come to the library as needed throughout the day.
Scheduling Classes
Teachers are encouraged to use the library media center to support instruction in the classroom. The library media specialist is available to collaborate on and assist with assignments, research, projects, etc. The library media specialist may also be able to suggest various resources and strategies for achieving your instructional goals. Library laptops can be used for printing as needed.
Teachers who wish to bring their classes to the library should sign up in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts and to allow the library media specialist to prepare resources and materials as needed. Language Arts teachers are given first preference (for selection of days/class period) at the beginning of each grading period. Then all other teachers wishing to schedule dates/class periods should check the calendar at the circulation desk for available dates/class periods. They should then have the library media specialist sign them up for the desired time(s) they wish to use the library. It is helpful for the library media specialist and the classroom teacher to complete the Cooperative Planning Form together to know what the class assignment will be in order to pull any necessary books, websites, equipment, etc.
Computer Use
The library media center serves as the hub for Chromebooks and technology. All Chromebooks connect via Wi-Fi to the school network. Students may use one of the five traditional laptops in the media center for printing purposes.
In order for students to access these computers and obtain user accounts they must have their parents to sign and return the “Hickman County Schools Application for Account and Terms and Conditions for Use of the Internet. Students must also sign this form and abide by the terms and conditions of this agreement or they will be subject to cancellation of this privilege.
Hickman County High School began 1:1 assignment of HP Chromebooks to students during the 2020-2021 school year. Therefore each student is eligible to be assigned a HCBOE owned Chromebook by returning a “Device Agreement Form” that must be signed by the parent and student. Students should report any problems or missing Chromebooks to the Library Media Specialist as soon as possible. Chromebooks and chargers must be returned to the library prior to the end of the school year. All damages must be paid in order for students to participate in graduation exercises, receive report cards and to remain in good standing for the next school year.
Printing Policy
Students may print to the student designated black and white copier/printer from the library laptops. Printing from a Chromebook is not an option. Printing is free of charge as long as it is for a school paper or project. Students should ask for assistance and always be certain that they are conserving paper when printing.
Circulation Policy
Students are allowed to check out a maximum of five books at a time. The due date for materials will be ten school days from the date checked out and will be stamped in the book. Books can be renewed an unlimited number of times.
Fines for overdue books will NOT be charged. If students have an overdue book(s), they will not be allowed to check out additional books until the overdue books are returned or renewed. At the end of the school year, all books must be returned and fees for lost or damaged books paid before students are allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies (Seniors) or pick up their report cards (underclassmen). Students will be required to pay replacement costs and processing fees for any lost or damaged book.