What's Happening at HCHS
Feb. 27th 3:30-6:30 (just show up anytime between these hours)
Please bring your charged student Chromebook in case we have more students than we have available computers.
Make sure if you plan to attend that you and your parent have already set up your FSA ID at FAFSA.gov
It can take up to 3 days to receive your ID, so DON'T WAIT!
SENIORS planning to attend Columbia State in the Fall should be sure to register for Orientation on Feb. 27th. Scan the QR code that can be found in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
Seniors please go into the Class of 2025 google classroom to check on the senior slideshow
and how to submit pictures. You may see Mrs. Davidson for any questions
10. James Pellerin 99.73
9. Nicole Voelz 99.82
8. McKenzie Blystad 100.08
7. Colby Odom 100.39
6. Savannah Parrish 101.04
5. Maya Buttrey 101.05
4. Lilli Istre 101.10
3. Ella Morgan 101.27
2. Jake Tidwell 101.37
1. Lyndee Hinson 101.75
Miss Hickman County Pageant entry forms are now available in the front office AND in the library. This pageant provides the winner with a $500 college scholarship. The pageants will be held on March 14 & 15. See Mrs. Plunkett if you need more information
FTA is also selling “singing telegrams” for Valentine’s Day for $3! See Mr. Dotson to purchase yours!
Valentine’s day balloons and stuffed animals are for sale. They will be delivered on Valentine’s day and are 2.50 each. See Ms. Carter to order
The Juniors still have 30 boxes of chocolate to sell for their fundraiser. Please see First Sergeant Riley to sell a box.
SPIRIT WEEK IS HERE, February 3 - 7! The theme is Lights, Camera, Action. Here are the dress up days!
MONDAY - Actors vs Athletes
TUESDAY - Wild West vs City of Angels
WEDNESDAY - Kooks vs Pogues
THURSDAY - Freaky Thursday (students and teachers swap wardrobes)
FRIDAY- Boys vs Girls (boys wear black, girls wear red)
Keep in mind that school dress code must be followed on dress up days. Hats will be permitted ONLY on Tuesday if you decide to come as a cowboy. And PJs are NEVER allowed, not even during spirit week.
We also have our donation drive that is a major competition during spirit week. This year, we will be collecting non-perishable food items to restock the blessing boxes around Hickman County. We ask that if you bring canned goods, that they have a pull tab. We will start collecting donations on MONDAY.
Student council is now selling tickets for the Spirit Week Semi-Formal! This will take place on February 6th from 7-9 pm! Please see Ms. Hudgins to buy your ticket. The cost from now until February is $10!
Prom tickets are on sale! In order to purchase a prom ticket, you MUST have a signed form WITH the money. NO money will be taken if there is not a completed form with emergency contact information. You may pick up the forms outside of Mrs. Davidson’s room. The current “Early Bird” pricing is listed on a poster outside Mrs. Davidson’s room. The prices will not change until February 15th.
Seniors-continue to check the senior google classroom for new scholarship postings.
Don't forget, you can watch our Weekly Announcements on the Hickman County High School YouTube Channel!
HCHS YouTube Channel
SENIORS - Available Scholarships: Please check the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for college specific scholarships or stop by the College and Career Center for more information. Applications for local scholarships will also be available in the HCHS Library.
TCAT DICKSON SCHOLARSHIP opportunity for SENIORS that are currently enrolled in a Dual Enrollment Class with TCAT Dickson and are planning to enroll at TCAT Dickson to complete the program of study after high school. Awards will be given to each county with applicants!
DEADLINE : April 1, 2025 (see the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for the application).
Horatio Alger Association Scholarships
Horatio Alger Association administers over 70 scholarship programs, offering opportunities for students in various stages of their academic careers to achieve their educational goals and realize their potential. Apply here: Apply here.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:
- Be enrolled full time as a high school junior in the United States
- Exhibit a strong commitment to complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
- Demonstrate financial need ($65,000 or lower household income)
- Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
- Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
- Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
- Be a United States citizen
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee Scholarship application is now open. With just one application, students of all backgrounds, goals, and interests can unlock over 170 scholarship opportunities. Whether they're from a specific school or community, pursuing a unique field of study, or needing financial support, there's a scholarship for every student. The application is open until February 1st. Go to this website for more information and to apply: https://www.cfmt.org/scholars/
Don't Drive Drowsy Scholarship Program
Due February 21, 2025.
See the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for a link to information on how to apply.


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