What's Happening at HCHS

Spring Break - March 24-28


Report Cards - March 19


TCAT Dickson and TCAT Hohenwald are hosting their TCAT Signing Day on April 10th at 9:00 am.  Students AND Parents are invited! 

Those planning to attend TCAT Dickson need to register by March 28th.  Scan the QR code in the Google Classroom or the one on Mrs. Qualls’s door.  

If you will be attending TCAT Hohenwald and want to participate in Signing Day, then please let Mrs. Qualls know by completing the google form in the Classroom or scan the QR code on her door.  

This will be an excused absence for you, counting as a College Visit Day. You will need to show proof of attendance at the event. 


TNStrong Presents “Don’t be a Dum Dum”-

During lunch (March 17-21) come to our table and test your knowledge on important various health related topics. Earn yourself a treat and a chance to win a large Bluetooth Speaker.


Kona Ice will be at HCHS on Friday, March 21.

UT Knoxville is hosting a summer engineering program for rising seniors.  See the Flyer outside of the Guidance office for more information. Deadline to apply is Mar 31, 2025.


Yearbooks are on sale! To purchase see Mr. Patterson in Room 133. Prices are $80.00 and you can pay in cash, check, or online. Place you order online at


Columbia State will be here on April 2nd to help Seniors who wish to apply or need help with anything concerning CSCC.  Please Check the Class of 25 Google Classroom for the link to make an appointment.


Seniors please submit pictures for your slideshow to Mrs. Davidson. Check the post in your class of 2025 Google classroom for specifics. If you have questions, see Mrs. Davidson

Seniors, please start turning in your money for graduation stoles to Mrs. Warren. Also, you can still see if you qualify for work ethic distinction. Forms are in guidance. Please try to have this done before spring break.

Prom tickets are on sale! In order to purchase a prom ticket, you MUST have a signed form WITH the money. NO money will be taken if there is not a completed form with emergency contact information. You may pick up the forms outside of Mrs. Davidson’s room. Regular pricing for prom tickets will be in effect from now until March 21! When we return from spring break, the prices will go up five dollars. The final pricing will be from March 31 to April 9. No tickets will be sold after Wednesday, April 9.


Congratulations to the HCHS Class of 2025 Top Ten:

10. James Pellerin 99.73

9. Nicole Voelz 99.82

8. McKenzie Blystad 100.08 

7. Colby Odom 100.39

6. Savannah Parrish 101.04

5. Maya Buttrey 101.05

4. Lilli Istre 101.10

3. Ella Morgan 101.27

2. Jake Tidwell 101.37

1. Lyndee Hinson 101.75

Seniors-continue to check the senior google classroom for new scholarship postings.


Don't forget, you can watch our Weekly Announcements on the Hickman County High School YouTube Channel!

SENIORS - Available Scholarships: Please check the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for college specific scholarships or stop by the College and Career Center for more information. Applications for local scholarships will also be available in the HCHS Library.


This is a local scholarship for any student looking into entering the field of education. It is a $400 scholarship. Forms are in the Library!  Due April 10, 2025.

  • 100-200 word essay explaining your future goals 
  • High School transcripts 
  • ACT score 
  • 7th semester GPA (Fall of Senior year)

This is a local scholarship for any student at HCHS. It is a $500 scholarship. Forms are in the Library! Due April 10, 2025.

  • 100-200 word essay explaining a historical event that took place before 2000 and how it changed the lives of citizens in Hickman County. 
  • ACT score 
  • 7th semester GPA (Fall of Senior year) 
  • Class rank

The Carr Family Scholarship is now available!  Deadline is Friday, April 11, 2025!!

  • Please provide us with letters of recommendation from two non-relatives. One must be from someone other than a teacher (for example, a supervisor at work or a coach).
  • Please write an essay of 500-1,000 words that cover the following topics, along with any others you would like the Selection Committee to consider. Tell us about:
  • Your educational objectives and goals
  • The person(s) in your life who has/have done the most to shape your goals and interests (this could be a teacher, relative, or person you have never met)
  • What you consider to be the greatest achievement in your life thus far, and the greatest challenge you’ve overcome
  • How you plan to use your education and other resources following graduation from college
  • Any other information you would like for us to know
  • https://carrfamilyfoundation.org/
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Tennessee - VARA GRAY SCHOLARSHIP 
$500 Scholarship - 3 awarded 
  • Must be a child, grandchild or great-grand child of veterans that served in the Armed Forces. 
  • Class of 2025 
  • Must have completed 50 hours of volunteer service 
  • Due April 15 2025

National Banana Pudding Festival Scholarship
Applicant Eligibility:

  • Applicants must attend Hickman County or East Hickman County High School.
  • Applicants must be accepted by an accredited college, university, or vocational school full-time, pursuing a degree or certificate in Tourism, Hospitality, Music, or Culinary.
  • A Cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 or above is required.
  • High School Transcript required.
  • ACT Score or equivalent test required.
  • Applicant’s GPA, leadership roles, extracurricular activities, work experience, and family needs may all be considered.
  • Applicants must have volunteered for a minimum of 6 hours at the National Banana Pudding Festival event.
  • Two Scholarships to be awarded:
    Tourism/Hospitality/Culinary/Music    :
    Hickman County High School
  • College       $2,500                     
  • Vocational   $1,000       

Deadline for application is April 1, 2025_.  Applications must be submitted by mail to the National Banana Pudding Festival, PO Box 214, Centerville TN 37033 or emailed to NBPF address Administration Committee secretary@bananapuddingfest.org.
You can get an application from the Guidance Office, Library, or print one yourself.


  • Applicant must be planning to attend an accredited college or university as a full-time student upon graduation from high school. The scholarship will be pro-rated for one year.
  • Applicant must be a high school senior in the Hickman County public school system.
  • Applicant must attach a copy of his/her completed FAFSA.
  • Minimum ACT of 21 required. ACT or SAT scores must be provided.
  • Leadership roles, extracurricular activities, work experience during high school, and financial need will be given consideration.
  • Applicant must maintain a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 system) as a college freshman in order to qualify for any portion not paid.


NEMAK Scholarship Opportunity!  Application Deadline: April 11, 2025
The selected winner will receive a $3,500 scholarship and a 6-week internship with Nemak.  See the link on the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.

  • Class of 2025
  • Pursuing a career in engineering, manufacturing, or automotive
  • Do you demonstrate academic achievement and leadership?? 

TCAT DICKSON SCHOLARSHIP opportunity for SENIORS that are currently enrolled in a Dual Enrollment Class with TCAT Dickson and are planning to enroll at TCAT Dickson to complete the program of study after high school.  Awards will be given to each county with applicants!  
DEADLINE : April 1, 2025 (see the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for the application).


View of front of HCHS
HCHS Crest
Bullogs Beyond Limits & Bulldog Roll Call  Rewards Trips


Prom Invitation
HCHS Prom - April 12

Tue Jan 28 02:51 PM

Flyer fron TN Dept of Safety and Homeland Security
School safety in the palm of your hand!

SafeTN is a secure, open door communications platform where you can send in tips and access useful resources to help keep your school and community safe.

Wed Aug 21 02:46 PM

"The purpose of Hickman County High School is to provide a challenging learning environment that prepares each student for excellence in the academic, athletic, artistic, personal, and civic arenas while cultivating integrity, responsibility and a passion for continued learning."


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