School Counseling

Counselor Info

At HCHS we have counselors available to assist you in any way that we can. A few of the services we offer are; counseling, scheduling, career planning, planning for college, help with the FAFSA and acquiring financial aid for college or technical school. We make it our goal to help you have a successful experience at HCHS as well as prepare for your future. If we can be of any help to you, feel free to contact us.

Please note: If you graduated from Hickman County High School more than five years ago, you must contact the Hickman County Board of Education (931-729-3391  x 2225) to request your transcript.

Graduation Requirements


English – 4 creditsMath – 4 creditsScience – 3 credits
English 9Algebra 1Lab Science
English 10GeometryBiology
English 11Algebra 2Chemistry or Physics
English 12Upper Level Math 
Social Studies-3 creditsWellness & PE-1 ½  creditsForeign Language-2 credits
Word HistoryWellness – 1 creditSpanish 1
Government -½ creditPE -½ creditSpanish 2
Economics-½ credit  
U.S. History  
Fine Arts -1 creditPersonal Finance- ½ creditElective Focus- 3 credits
Art, Theater, Band, General Music, Vocal MusicPersonal Finance -½ credit

3 credits in one area

(CTE, Math & Science, Fine Arts, ROTC, or Dual Enrollment)

Electives – 6 credits  
6 credits chosen by student  






FAFSA– Free Application for Federal Student Aid

SAR– Student Aid Report- the report that a student will receive from the federal processor after completing the FAFSA

EFC– Expected Family Contribution- the student’s ability to pay for college.  The EFC is calculated from the information on the FAFSA.

COA– Cost of Attendance- the estimated cost to attend an institution for one academic year.

PIN– Personal Identification Number- is required for a student or parent to complete the FAFSA online or correct information from the electronic FAFSA.

IVW– Institution Verification Worksheet-  a worksheet that is required to be completed when a student’s FAFSA record is selected for verification.

Verification– The process by which the student’s FAFSA information is selected by the federal processor or the institution for an in-depth review of all information that was reported on the FAFSA.